Here is a World Health Organization (WHO) report on the development of a human "bird flu" vaccine published in February:
Availability of H5N1 prototype strains for influenza pandemic vaccine development
February 2005
The WHO Influenza Surveillance Network has characterized H5N1 influenza viruses isolated from humans and animals from several countries affected by the 2004/2005 H5N1 outbreak in Asia. WHO has also made recommendations on the antigenic and genetic characteristics of H5N1 viruses which are suitable for vaccine production.
In addition, WHO collaborating centres and reference laboratories have developed several recombinant H5N1 prototype vaccine strains, including A/Vietnam/1194/04, A/Vietnam/1203/04 and A/Hongkong/213/03, according to the requirements of several major national and international pharmaceutical licensing agencies for influenza vaccine production. These H5N1 influenza pandemic vaccine prototype strains have already been made available to a number of institutions and companies and several different vaccines have been produced for clinical testing.
It is understood that there are no intellectual property issues restricting the use of reverse genetics for pandemic vaccine research. However it is anticipated that licences must be negotiated before commercial use of such vaccines.
In some countries, the reassortant may be viewed as a genetically modified organism and approval will be needed for virus cultivation. Also in some countries, although the reassortant is derived from a human H5N1 virus, it may be subject to an import licence from veterinary authorities.