The "cards on the wall" tools and scenario planning generally can be applied to the broadest range of organizational, societal, and international problems. In addition to planning methods generally, I will focus on strategy development and implementation relating to The Future of:
- The Music Industry
- Global Climate Change
- Healthcare, Medicine, Pandemics, and
- (biological, chemical, nuclear) Terrorism
- Telecom
Why these issues? In part interest and in part to suggest that the strategy development and implementation tools we frequently use on Strategy Kinetics-led consulting projects are useful in addressing the broadest range of strategic problem areas, including those that are believed to entail exceedingly intractable social messes, such as global climate change or healthcare in the United States and as a global human issue.
In some cases, we have substantial domain expertise; the copyright industries including related technologies and wireless and wireline telecom, for example.
In other instances our contribution is very much knowledge engineering and project and planning processes. Knowledge engineering entails gathering of information from domain experts, organizing and structuring that information (augmented by our domain knowledge and experience) as a baseline knowledge base that participants in an iterative scenario planning meeting(s) can then elaborate in the course of analysis, decision-making, and implementation.
More specifically, in a scenario planning meeting, the knowledge base includes a set of written states concerning the future called Endstates. The knowledge base also includes a database of hypothetical events that might happen between the present and the planning project time horizon. Our contribution, then, is both the knowledge base and the interactive planning processes.