Anthony Cordesman has been cited in this pages previously. He is the author of the article relating terrorism to the Buffyverse, the world of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the rules that seem to govern in the universe inhabited by Buffy and the other characters created by Joss Whedon.
The World Peace Herald has published a Cordesman article on the reality of bioterrorism, Outside View: Crying wolf on bioterror? Snippets:
Moreover, the ease with which bioterrorism can be put into practice is growing.
The Internet provides a growing list of sites claiming to provide literature on the manufacture of biological agents and toxins in a wide variety of languages. The dissemination of biotechnology and of dual-use food processing and pharmaceutical equipment is steadily expanding the range of options for producing and weaponizing biological agents.
At the same time, biotechnology is advancing the range of different agents that can be used. Genetic engineering is moving from cutting edge science to commercial practice, immune and semi immune strains of major diseases are becoming more common, and new biowar approaches like attacking human immune systems are beginning to be practical. The worst cases for biological warfare are becoming more possible and their results can be truly grim.