NCRI/Nervewire Alumni Art Hutchinson is running a series of blogicles on scenario planning that launched yesterday. The first article says that diverse inputs are one important key to the process. Couldn't agree more.
Regarding the so-called Wild Ducks, people who have something important to contribute but don't fit the corporate mold, I think of those people as, for example, the person at the end of the corridor that most people don't like talking to, who is contrarian to a fault, but who makes an important contribution to the firm. Often that person has something unique to offer the scenario planning process. Whether they are included in the actual meeting or not, it's important to interview those people and gather their views. They are often trying to tell the company something important that the company doesn't want to hear.
And sometimes they are just a pain without much to say. But the consultant shouldn't take anyone's word and at least take the measure of the person directly.