Teresa M. McAleavy, a journalist writing for NorthJersey.com, reports that that the Society for Human Resource Management has conducted a scenario planning exercise on the future of HR professionals. [The full report is available only to SHRM members]. The news article reports four possible future roles for HR professionals:
1) Casting director: assuming a shortage of talent, HR professionals will act mostly as project facilitators.
2) Global deal-maker: assuming a surplus of domestic talent because of outsourcing, HR professionals will mainly manage a work force distributed around the globe.
3) Caregiver. In uncertain times, organizations become more hierarchical and centralized while acting parentally toward employees with HR staff protecting and providing for workers.
4) Systems integrator: in a highly technological future with fewer jobs, the HR professional helps workers adjust to a machine-dominated world.
By 2015, "Casting Director" was judged most likely while "Systems integrator was judged least likely.