By Robert E. Horn (Stanford University and MacroVU, Inc.) and Robert Weber (Strategy Kinetics, LLC)
This is another in a series of "blogicles" on how Mess Mapping™ and Resolution Scenario Mapping processes can be used to represent, analyze, evaluate Wicked Problems and then to choose actions that ameliorate the Wicked Problem at hand.
Each team of 4 to 7 people works backwards: assuming that assigned their Endstate has already happened, they determine what it took to get there.
As a first step, each team first identifies those events that Must Happen or Must Not Happen if their Endstate is to be realized. For example, if vaccination is an important defense against Pandemic Flu, Must Not Happen Events might describe contamination at multiple vaccine production facilities, or rapid mutation of the virus so that existing vaccine stocks are much less effective.
This series of blogicles has been jointly authored; our names appear in alphabetical order.
Mess Mapping and Mess Map are trademarks of MacroVU, Inc.
Resolution Mapping is a trademark of Strategy Kinetics, LLC.