By Robert E. Horn (Stanford University and MacroVU, Inc.) and Robert Weber (Strategy Kinetics, LLC)
This is another in a series of "blogicles" on how Mess Mapping™ and Resolution Scenario Mapping processes can be used to represent, analyze, evaluate Wicked Problems and then to choose actions that ameliorate the Wicked Problem at hand.
A typical workshop usually lasting 2 and sometimes 3 days is comprised of several tasks and outputs:
1. Conventional Wisdom Voting and Scenario: participants in teams categorize the Events into “highly likely,” “highly unlikely”, and “uncertain. Facilitators use event voting to create a Conventional Wisdom scenario that reflects the overall thinking of workshop participants at the outset of the workshop.
2. Endstate
Defense: Each team analyzes and then defends their assigned Endstate in a
presentation to the whole group. The main purpose of the team presentation is
to present a narrative describing how the world evolved, including the key
actors, drivers, motives, and significant milestones along the way.
3. Endstate Systems: Workshop participants develop a new model that synthesizes the Endstates into a set of relationships indicating how the Endstates might evolve and interact with one another.
4. Policies and Specific Actions: Participants identify and prioritize key policy initiatives and Events, including responsibilities for influence or implementation.