This week's theme is the future
of the music industry. A major impetus is David Kusek and Gerd
Leonhard's The Future of Music: Manifesto for the Digital Music Revolution.
I've been considering Endstates that are alternative visions to the one
proposed by Leonhard and Kusek, Music Like Water, which I call, the
Music Utility. The second installment of this series outlined the 10,000 Maniac MTV Channels Endstate, an oversimplification of which is that music videos become far more important than simple audio.
The Music Utility Endstate is mainly about the evolution of the supporting technology infrastructure and business models, principally wireless and audio-enabled devices and subscription based streaming music rather than file downloads. In the Kusek and Leonhard version, Music Like Water, artists have much more power and leverage compared with other actors in the industry, such as the major music labels.
The Music Utility Endstate does not depend, in my view, on this fundamental change in the structure of the music industry. The majors, viewed as dinosaurs by some) could very well morph their service and business models and by doing so, avoid extinction. More on this point tomorrow.
What about artists?
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